Cognitive benefits of blueberries


Flavonoid-rich foods like berries can enhance cognitive function and happiness across the lifespan, especially in healthy and cognitively impaired individuals.

Studies have shown that blueberry therapy can improve vascular function and slow cognitive decay in older individuals.

In the present randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled cross-over trial, researchers examined the effectiveness of wild blueberry extracts in sustaining episodic memory and executive function and cardiovascular consequences among healthy older individuals (ROAB trial).

Flavonoids may have comparable biological processes in acute and chronic states, such as boosting cerebral blood flow (CBF) via better endothelial function and nitric oxide generation.

Flavanoids enhance nitric oxide (NO)-mediated vasodilation, which improves cerebral blood flow and cognitive performance by enhancing metabolic substrate supply. Flavonoid eating may also help to lower blood pressure.

Based on the study findings, wild blueberry extracts may have cardiovascular benefits and minimize cognitive decline in healthy older individuals when paired with a post-prandial dip.

Acute WBE supplementation enhanced response speeds while decreasing cognitive performance on executive function tests. Post-lunch testing may improve the circadian decrease in cognition ability.

Low dosages of WBE (222 mg, 444 mg, and 111 mg) enhanced episodic memory and executive function. Further study is required to determine the efficacy of wild blueberry extracts in those with minor cognitive deficits and to align cognitive test schedules.

Source: Medical News